Saturday, October 13, 2012

Adjourning Stage

The hardest good-bye for me is when I graduated from college. The young women that took classes with were so respectful, honest, and passionate about success and providing nurture to the children, families, and the people that they interacted with. The communication between us was awesome, there was no arguing, only real communication. We brainstormed, shared ideas, and took those ideas an turned them into successful projects. We had some very amazing moments and expereinces that allowed us to grow and mature into professionals. We all had strenghts and weaknesses, therefore we always knew what the other person was capable of doing in a project or assignment. We all had equal roles, no one one was better than the other person. We knew the times when each person should step in and become a leader. I trusted these women, because trust was gained. Our environment was built on mutual trust, repect, and motivation. On our last day, we did a lot of number and address changing and there was alot of tears and hugs. When I adjourned from this group of women it was a sad day, but we did reflect on our happy days and we knew our relationships was built on a positive and respectful foundation.

Adjourning lets you know that you have successfully acheived a personal or professional goal. It means that you made it to the end, which is a good thing. Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to communicate with some very intelligent and passionate women and men. These individuals have shared their strenghts and weaknesses in life and in their work experiences. They have empowered and motivated me when I wanted to take a different path. Although we are online colleagues, its going to be hard not interacting with my colleagues, because reading the posts and blogs makes me feel that I know these individuals personally and we are having face-to-face conversations. We only have three classes to go after we exit from this course and its going to be hard because I have dedicated myself to this Master's program, but the adjourning stage will be a happy time for me because I have completed a personal and professional goal, as well as my colleagues completing their courses and obtaining a degree.


  1. Hi Tameika

    I totally agree that the adjourning stage can be hard but a good thing. It's hard because you have formed relationships with people that are trusting and respectful. Thanks for sharing

  2. Hi Tameika,

    I agree with you, working on our masters program has been a long journey. Of course we are all sad to say good-bye, but think of what has been accomplished!

  3. Tamieka,
    Wow, only 3 courses to go!!!! Where did the time go? You seem to have great experiences working in groups. I have enjoyed your discussions and blogs and have learned and grown right along with you. Good luck with the rest of your courses.

  4. Tameika,

    The two times I have marched in graduation were much different. When I graduated with my Bachelors degree last year, almost 17 years after my high school graduation, I viewed the relationships I had built over 2 years much differently. Of course, both celebrations were exhilarating and sad.
    Departing from groups with such strong connections can be very hard. When connections aren't so strong, separating is not as difficult.
