Saturday, February 11, 2012

“My Supports”

“My Supports

Within my daily environment, my husband has to be my biggest support system.  He supports me in my career choices, my parenting skills, basically any decision in my life he gives me positive advice.  He supports me when I doubt myself, by encouraging me to always hold my head.  He supports me spiritually by being my partner in making moral and important decisions throughout the course of my life.
My children support me in a happy way.  When I become tired and stress, they support me by letting me know that they are more important than anything in my life.  They make me laugh.  My kids are the reason why I still feel like a child.  They support me with hugs and kisses, and plenty of love.
My parents are one of my biggest support systems.  They have endured many challenges with me and have supported me in whatever I have done.  I am so bless to have the support of my parents because their guidance and encouragement are one of the reasons why I am who I am.
My brothers are also a part of my support team.  They support me by giving me brotherly advice about life and relationships.
My friends are another factor in my support system.   They support me when I need me time, by motivating me that I need some alone time from my family.
My co-workers who have been my support over the years have been amazing.  Through evaluations, new parents/children/ families and reviews from the state and federal teams, there support has helped me pass thorough difficult challenges. 
My church supports me when I unsure about the struggles of life, by providing me with spiritual guidance.
Furthermore, if these supports would vanish, I feel that I would be unbalanced.  I feel that I would struggle to make certain decisions that affect my life without these people.
My challenge would be using my other senses to guide me through life.  My cousin is blind.  However, I feel with assistance and guidance that I could learn to accept this challenge.  I believe with a strong support system that my emotional, physical, social, and cognitive needs could be met with their love, support and encouragement.  I believe that their support would be my inspiration to get through any obstacle.  I feel that if I did not have their support then I would definitely be faced with many challenges, because I have learned to depend on their support throughout my life.  I believe that emotionally I would be strained if I did not have their support.