Friday, April 13, 2012


The three insights that I gained from this website is:

1.       There is a major push for promoting literacy in Nigeria.  "Reading materials which promote local knowledge and values as well as cultures and traditions should be developed to promote a multilingual literate environment at home, community, learning centres and work places," stated by the  Representative of the Minister of State for Education, Mr. Bergudo (UNESCO, 2011) . Literacy needs to be established to help meet the developmental and educational goals of the children and their families.

2.       On the week of April 22-28 it will be Global Action Week.  This organization promotes education for all children.  There are six goals that the organization has established.  These goals include (UNESCO):

Goal 1
Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children

Goal 2
Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to, and complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality.

Goal 3
Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes.

Goal 4
Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults.

Goal 5
Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality.

Goal 6
Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills (2011).

3.      In the article, Education of Roma children among the subjects of World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education, it focuses on the educational and learning benefits that the Roma children receive. Despite the efforts to expand and improve education for Roma children, as many as 50 per cent of those in Europe fail to complete primary education (UNESCO, 2011).



  1. Hi Tamieka!
    I like how you listed all 6 goals because it clearly demonstrates that the UNESCO organization represents advacacy for all children as well as equity and excellence in the early childhood field and/or education in general. Thanks for also discussing the importance of literacy. Everyone needs it to gain knowledge and develop as holistic individuals. Great Post Tamieka!

  2. Tiffiney,
    I too was also amazed about how much it pushes literacy, not only in Nigeria, but throughout the world. The six goals that they have for Global Action Week seem attainable. This website seems that it advocates for children globally.

  3. Hi Tamieka,

    thanks for presenting again the goals from Global Action Week. It reminds us again the importance to act, no matter how small it is, it will give a big difference.

    Thanks you.

