Saturday, March 24, 2012


The organization that I am following is the National Association for the Education of Young Children.  This organization focuses on the development and well-being of young children.  In the volume Teaching Young Children and the issue titled “Unplanned Explorations and Lively Minds” it focuses on how  as educators we should just let children learn new experiences own their own, without the guidance and planning of a teacher.  I believe that the whole issue was related to my current professional development because it gave me an insight and knowledge on how to continue to provide a learning environment for young children.  For example, if children were engaging in conversation, the teacher would not interrupt; instead she would document the development of language skills.  This issue also focused on how as early childhood professionals we should encourage, support, and create a learning environment for young children.
At the present time none of the ideas, statements, or resources made me thinks about the issue in a new way.  The information on the website only enhanced my knowledge about the issue in the Early Childhood Field.
 In the issue it discusses how children who are 5 years old need a rich and learning environment, just as the neuroscientists having been saying all of the time; and now the economists and politicians are seeing the value of early education and the significant benefits of children acquiring knowledge at such young ages.
From exploring the website, I realized that NAEYC is committed to meeting the needs of young children.

National Association for the Education of Young Children


  1. Hi Tamieka,
    I enjoyed reading your post. You have captured some great insights from NAEYC. I have chosen the ZERO TO THREE website. The information has been very helpful in my profession.

  2. Tamieka,
    I could not agree more with the fact that children need room to explore and discover so much on their own. They need guidance from their educators, however the though process and discovery needs to be their own and on their terms! Thank you for this great post!

  3. Hi Tamieka,

    the section in the newsletter from NAEYC that you presented here was very interesting. When we are the educator/parent let the children find the answer of many question in life, they will experience the hands-on experience, therefore they will never forget about the learning forever.

    Just like what Montessori said, that "As the aim of the exercise, however, is not that the rods be arranged in the right order of gradation, but that the child should practise by himself, there is no need to intervene."

    - Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook, P. 76

    Thanks for remain me of this important principle.

    Evita Kartikasari

  4. Tameika,

    Children are perfectly capable of learning on their own and adults should support this learning in any way possible. At some point, however, there will need to be guidance from an individual to further their process of thinking in order to develop higher order thinking skills. Great post!

