Saturday, May 19, 2012

Research that Benefits Children and Families

Option 1

I found an article that discusses the benefits of research toward Head start and Early Head Start programs.  Many people view these programs as baby sitting jobs, but research shows a different perspective.  National Family and Child Experiences Survey data shows that HS graduates, by the spring of their kindergarten year, were essentially at national norms in early reading and early writing and were close to meeting national norms in early math and vocabulary knowledge (National Head Start Association).  Head Start and Early Head Start are programs that provide young children educational and health benefits.  Many of the children who attend these programs reap high quality benefits. EHS children had a higher cognitive, social, and emotional score than the children in the control group.  They also had children who were good health care compared to the children who were not enrolled in the Head Start Program.   There was also research that showed that Head Start programs were credited for lowering childhood obesity.  The children in EHS programs were more likely to have had their immunizations. Research shows that HS is a wise investment for society (National Head Start Association). Children in Early Head Start and Head Start also benefits from economic and law enforcement benefits.  Along with improving the health of its children and families, HS benefits its children and society-at-large by reducing crime and its costs to crime victims (National Head Start Association).

Many of us aware of the Head Start and Early Head Start programs in our state and community, but sometimes we are unaware of the benefits of these programs.


National Head Start Association (NHSA)(n.d.).Benefits of Head Start and Early head Start Programs. Retrieved from

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Your Personal Research Journey

The three subtopics that I choose all consisted of issues that were related to the early childhood field.  However, I felt that after reviewing the literature and research simulation that the topic that I chose would be more beneficial to my research process. The topic that I chose is---Is poverty related to the outcome of a child’s social and emotional skills?

I chose this topic because I am interesting in expanding my knowledge on how poverty adversely affects a child’s social and emotional development of a child.  I feel that this topic is relevant because of the community that I live in consist of children and families that are below the poverty level. Therefore, I can continue to guide children and families in the appropriate direction when it comes to the developmental issues that affect children because of poverty. The research stimulation gave me insight on how to effective choose and research a topic.  However, I am still a little nervous on my topic.  I hope that I find success in finding effective and credible resources on the topic.

If anyone would like to share any comments or suggestions on this topic, please feel free to give your advice and comments. I am open to any new ideas that are related to this topic.
